School Wisdom
Learn from your mistakes! You will not know everything and
don't expect to know everything all the time. You will forget
things and you will learn from your mistakes. Don't be a perfectionist
becuase your only hurting yourself. You are here to learn
and you have to learn how to take constructive
will only make you a better student and person in the long
Andy Codding. 2nd year student
at Floyd College in Rome, GA
I hung this in the locker room at school to remind myself
and others that mistakes are going to happen - it's how we
learn! But we don't have to let those mistakes bring us down
and rule our life.
Now go out there and be the best student you can be! Do it
and you'll never regret it.
Good luck to all of us in school now!
Kelly Moore, Second Year Student
at the University of Cincinnati Raymond Walters College
You will have days that you just want to give up, and days
that you think you really are not meant to be a hygienist.
When you do start to feel that way, remind yourself why you
decided to do this in the first place. You will mess up, NO
ONE is perfect, but if you hang in there and really try and
put forth your best, then you can do what ever you want to.
Keep your priorities in order and don't forget to have fun.
It really is a blast. Good Luck to everybody!
Kelly Milford. 2nd year student
at Athens Tech in Athens, GA
Life is full of surprises, some good and some bad. It is easy
to let experiences and situations bring you down, but don't
get discouraged. Some times things do not go as we plan, and
we think, "why me?" When you're having a moment,
a day, or even a phase when you think, "why me? why now?"
or if times get tough, just remember the quote below and recite
it to yourself--I promise (from much experience of reciting
it myself) your spirits will be lifted and your worries put
at ease:
Nothing is Accidental
Nothing is Incidental
And no experience is wasted
(author anonymous)
Niki Nelson. 2nd year student at
Floyd College in Rome, GA
I think it is a good idea to keep dental hygiene board material
handy so that you can study when you have spare time. I keep
a book in my car in case I am somewhere that I have to wait.
I also keep Saunders at my boyfriends so that if I am visiting
I can use free time to review if he may be on the phone, etc.
I also keep some dental deck cards in my purse. Every little
bit helps!
Ceci Berrong Clayton State University
Words of Wisdom: The end is near and we thought we''d never
get this far. So if you are doubting yourself and your abilities
to take the boards then just remember that you have come so
far in the last 2 to 3 years. And you will continue to just
by believing in yourself. You will pass the boards and you
will be an excellent hygienist. Good luck and God bless!!
Ann Keasler - Floyd College - Rome
Georgia Graduation: May 2002
Words of Wisdom: Know that if you''ve made it this far, you
will make it the rest of the way....just keep on studying!
Sandie Curren - Portland Community
College Graduation: June 2002
Words of Wisdom: Attend Dental Hygiene Seminar National Board
Review. Excellant course, caring presenters. Hard studying
is rewarded with great breaks! Provides great snacks and no
late classes therefore you are fresh with each course.
Anna Chaney
Study, have fun, study, make lots of friends, study, save
some time for yourself :)
Jennifer Khatchaturian - Pasadena
City College Graduation: may 2002
Words of Wisdom: Time does pass. I can''t believe we are almost
done. When school is getting you down, just think, "In
ten years, will this matter? " Of course it may take
you ten years to forget all that stress!!!
Sherri Jimerson - Shoreline Community
College Graduation: June 2002
Words of Wisdom: Don''t forget to breathe!
Helen Willis - New Hampshire Technical
Institute Graduation: may 2002
Words of Wisdom: Study hard and don''t give up!
Laura Carson - Athens Tech Graduation:
June 2002
Words of Wisdom: Keep important notes on flash cards and save
them to study for boards!!!!
Angela Wilcox - Ferris State
One more time for the road, I know you''ve heard these words
many times before, Anything and Everything is possible if
you have a true desire for it Im a product of what hard work
will get you.
Angela Windley - Hostos Community
College - Graduation June 5th, 2002
Check out the ADA released examinations to get a feel for
what the real exam will be like!
Sarah Ridgley - Madison Area Technical
College - Graduation: 2003
Just keep looking straight ahead to your goal.
Sonia Dubord - Palm Beach Community College - Graduation:
Attending a dental hygiene program is the hardest thing you
will ever do in your life!! Stick with it even through all
the bull****. Don''t fall behind in your studies and projects.
Stay strong and bond with your fellow classmates. You are
all in it together and with each others help you will make
Melanie Kennedy - Georgia Perimeter - Graduation: May 2003
Don''t beat yourself up. Celebrate even the smallest triumphs.
Kathy Busch - Iowa Western Community
College - Graduation: 5/03
Take a weekend off from studying each month and don't even
think about school.
Cathy Lopez - WCTC - Graduation: