This is a "Dear Abby" type section where I will
post a new question weekly that a student can ask for advice
or help in ANY topic. You can ask anonymously and anything
goes! Don't hold back!
Question 3 (3-10-06)
Dear Andy = Hi Andy! I graduated DH school in May ’05.
I recently found a full-time dental hygiene position. I work
36 hours a week and by the end of the day my index & middle
finger hurt. I am always conscious about not using my fingers
to scale, but sometimes under stressful situations I catch
myself using them. Are there any tips or suggestions that
you can share with me? Even if you know of a CE course about
ergonomics I would be so grateful! Thank you so much for your
help!! It is greatly appreciated!
Click Here For Answer
Question 2
Dear Andy, Hi i'm in my 2nd semester of my freshman
year. I feel like i'm going to lose it. There are so many
requirements to make in clinic and so little time plus everything
besides clinic we need to get done. I feel like i'm not getting
it sometimes and that i'm not going to understand what i'm
doing when I graduate. I'm in a fog because everything is
crammed into a short period of time. Any advice?
anonymous: Make me anonymous
Hi there anonymous. Wouldn't it be nice if teachers understood
or seemed to care? I think most of the teachers are in the
"I walked to school in the snow" mentality where
they think that when they were students they had so much to
do and had it "so hard" that they want to lay it
all on you as well. Some of them are understanding and some
are not. To be a dental hygiene student you not only have
to be very focused, very organized, very patient, but also
very strong to endure all the emotions that come along with
being a student. We are the cream of the crop of students.
Not only do we have didactic educational classes to go to
and study for, but we also have to do clinicals and most of
the time find our own patients. This can be a triple team
factor against us and sometimes it doesn't seem fair. I used
to think that there were too many factors pulling me in all
different directions that eventually I would split down the
middle and go postal on someone. Thankfully that never happened
but I sure was close a few times! What helped me was to only
think 1-2 weeks ahead of me. If something was due beyond 2
weeks then I didnt even think about it until later. It's all
I really could do becuase most of the time I wanted to think
of the "big picture" but thinking of everything
that was due and required of me, made me not even want to
get started. It's almost like if you were going hiking. If
you just had one huge hill to climb you almost don't want
to start because you can see what lies ahead of you. However,
if you only had a small hill to climb and once you got to
the top of that hill you noticed there was another little
one to go up then it's not so bad becuase your're not thinking
beyond that first hill. There is no simple solution but iIt
worked for me. Another thing to take into consideration is
that it's actually a good thing to be in a tough program and
entering a tough profession. If it were easy to become a dental
hygienist then there would be so many of them, our pay would
be low, and probably the standard of care would be low. Knowing
that every dental hygienist had to "suffer" just
like you makes it a little more receptive. I know personally
I wouldn't want to be in a profession that was a piece of
cake to enter or something that I didn't have to work hard
for. There is a quote by Anthony Robbins that says "Remember
anything you want that's valuable requires you to break through
short-term pain in order to gain long-term pleasure."
We know that going through the pain of the requirements and
stress are tough to endure, but it sure will make it that
much more rewarding in the end when you have that RDH after
your name and you're part of an elite profession! Don't worry
about taking baby steps to get through everything, try to
organize everything in order of importance and date due and
just plug away at it until you eventually move on to the next
task. I know YOU CAN DO IT! Good luck!
Question 1
Dear Andy,
I'm sick of my classmates negativity all the time,
especially now that boards are near. How can I stay optimistic?
Thanks, Anonymous
Dear Anonymous,
There are always going to be negative people around you, its
just up to you to make sure they stay far enough away that
they don't stink your attitude also. If you surround yourself
with negative people or as I call them, "downers"
then your going be the one hurting in the long run. Are your
classmates paying your bills? Taking your tests for you? Are
they there to pick you up when your down... or do they just
want to bring you down with them? Sure dental hygiene school
can suck. Tests suck. Heck, studying for boards can suck..
we all know this and don't need to be reminded about it every
time a classmate opens their pie hole. Just remember, nothing
sucks more than having to cram harder only to take a test
that your going to do terrible on anyway. This is your life,
your future, your career.. YOU are in charge of what happens
to YOU...and you got this far... don't ruin it just for some
people who think they will feel better to get others to feel
crappy with them.. You know the technique you use in your
Community Dental Health lecture where; you see the teacher,
your might hear the lecture, but really your just pretending
and daydreaming instead? Well use this same principal. Just
give your classmate a smirk, and then pretend they are giving
you a really boring community lecture and you just don't give
a ....