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Common Medical Pathological Conditions on Boards

Some terms on this list may seem unfamiliar but you need to realize on boards there will be several things you have never heard of before! Here is a list of things that you might see and you should know them "just in case!"


1. AIDS- caused by a retrovirus in which viral RNA becomes part of the host cell DNA. Reduction in T-cells (<250) and a high viral load can cause HIV to progress to AIDS. Low immunity can lead to opportunistic infections like pneumoncystsis carinnii, secondary cancers, salmonella, neuropathies, and meningitis. Use of protease inhibitors in combination with other drugs seems to be a major step in the management of HIV

2. Budd-Chiari syndrome- leads to congestive liver disease. Caused by an occlusion of the hepatic veins or IVC

3. Cellulitis- inflammation of the connective tissue, tends to be widespread and is poorly defined. It is frequently accompanied by infection. The skin over the area is often hot, red, and edematous, and resembles the skin of an orange

4. CHF- may result in tachycardia, decreased stroke volume, LE swelling and decreased cardiac output

5. Cri-du-chat syndrome -Noted severe mental deficits and chromosome 5 short arm

6. Cystic fibrosis- thickening of secretions of all exocrine glands, leading to obstruction. Probable multiple frequent respiratory infections especially Staph Aureus and Pseudomonas Aeruginosa

7. Dermatitis- superficial inflammation of the skin, characterized by vesicles when acute), redness, edema, oozing, crusting, scaling and usually itching



8. Deep vein thrombosis - formation of an abnormal blood clot in a deep vein. If the clot breaks free it may become a pulmonary embolus. Symptoms include a + Hormans sign, positive doppler, Anticoagulant therapy is indicated in most cases.



9. Diabetes Mellitus-Insulin dependent is due to the absolute insulin deficiency and can lead to diabetic ketoacidosis



10.Diabetes mellitus-non-insulin-dependent diabetes is usually associated with obesity and is caused by a combination of insulin resistance and a defect in beta-cell responsiveness to elevated plasma glucose concentration. Plasma insulin concentration is usually normal or elevated



11.Fragile X syndrome- X-linked disease with appearance of enlarged testes autism and enlarged jaw,



12. Down's syndrome - Trisomy 21- altered facial appearance, mental retardation- simian crease, congenital heart disease



13.Duchennes muscular dystrophy - X-linked recessive disease with noted pelvic weakness and calf hypertrophy



14. Edwards syndrome- Trisomy 18- mental retardation, congenital heart disease, life span < 1 yr



15-  Eisenmenger's syndrome - Late cynosis due to increasing pulmonary.hypertension.


16.Gout- metabolic disease marked by elevated level of serum uric acid and deposition of urate crystals in the joints, soft tissue and kidneys. Treatment often involves anti-inflammatory medications, daily use of colchicine and lowering of urate concentration in body fluids with diet

17.Hemophilia- bleeding disorder that is inherited and has to do with clotting factor deficiency

18.Hepatitis - inflammation (remember anything with "itis" after it denotes inflammation) of the liver and may be caused by viral or bacteria infections or chemical agents. Transmission is from blood, body fluids, or body tissues, through oral or sexual contact or contaminated needles. Signs/Symptoms include elevated lab values of hepatic transaminases and bilirubin, enlarged liver with tenderness, fever and jaundice. Treatment-IV fluids, analgesics, interferon and vaccines

19.Herpes zoster acute nervous system viral infection involving the dorsal root ganglia and characterized by vesicular eruption and neuralgic pain I the cutaneous areas supplied by peripheral sensory nerves arising at the infected dermatome or myotome. Treatment involves corticosteroids for pain relief in many cases

20.Intermittent claudication -arterial insufficiency that results in ischemia to the exercising muscle. Relief of pain is achieved by resting.

21 Kartagener's syndrome -linked to situs inversus, causes sterility.

22.Lyme disease- inflammatory disease caused by a spirochete transmitted to humans by a tick bit and is common in the northeastern U. S. Treatment often nvolves antibiotic, medications for pain relief


23. Paget's disease - lowly progressive metabolic bone disease characterized by an initial phase of excessive bone re-absorption followed by a reactive phase of excessive abnormal bone formation. The disease can be fatal when associated with CHF, bone sarcoma or giant cell tumors

24.Psoriasis - chronic disease of the skin with erythematous plaques covered with a silvery scale. Common on the scalp, elbows, knees, and genitalia. Treatment involves long-wave UV light, combination UV light with oral photosensitizing drug (Psoralen)

25.Pulmonary embolism- a thrombus from the peripheral venous circulation lodges in the pulmonary artery with the subsequent obstruction of blood flow to the lungs. Treatment often involves a low-dose heparin, analgesis, and pulmonary vasodilators

26.Rhematoid arthritis Complaints of fatigue, weight loss, weakness and general diffuse musculoskeletal pain are often the initial presentations. Pain is localized to specific joints with symmetrical bilateral presentation. Deformities of the fingers are common

27. Reye's syndrome - .(hepatoencephalophathy), sometimes fatal with children related to viruses and aspirin

28.Systemic lupus - erythematosus chronic, systemic rheumatic, inflammatory disorder of the connective tissues which affects multiple organs including skin and joints

29.Turner syndrome- Noted webbing of the neck and ovarian dysgenesis. (X0)


30.Tuberculosis - infection spread by droplets from the untreated infected host. Treatment involves medications to eliminate infection

31. Wilson's disease - (hepatolenticular degeneration) copper does not enter circulation and builds up in the brain, liver and eye.


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